Written by KingAurrelio; PSHG Guest Writer?
What is this new game console by people no one?s familiar with?
Ouya, a new type of gaming, promises to have a starting price of under $100.00. This new game system is said to defeat all odds in pricing and graphics. With donations sky rocketing, this system has already gained better graphics than the Playstation 3 (or so says the unknown game company). If what they say is true, this is by far the cheapest game system that will go on the market ?next year?.
The coolest option is that you will be able to ?create your own game, every Ouya is a developer kit. As long as you know how to create games for the Android you are good to go because it uses the same process. ?This company might just make it into the game industry. Eight hours into creating this game and they already had reached a pledge goal of $950,000.
Ouya Remote
Something I find wrong with the remote? the remote is kinda funny looking. It has similar buttons like a PlayStation remote but picture this, a white remote with a flat top. Don?t get me started on the action buttons, yeah PlayStation has circle, square, x, and triangle; Microsoft has the letters Y, X, A, and B and Nintendo just copied them? But Ouya?s action buttons I?m not gonna lie, it?s straight up orange O, blue O, green O, and red O. Now the thing is, that could be a little?frustrating. Just imagine the game handbooks ?press O to kick, O to punch and left right down and O for a super attack.? Then you find yourself rage yelling at the system ?WHICH FREAKING O.? You?re gonna be throwing stuff around like they do on the Game Fly commercials.
Bottom line.. this is a system that might just make it into the industry. I can already see that they have great promises ahead for us gamers. I highly recommend this system to the people who would like to actually create a game. Still not sure if I?m gonna get it or not. I mean with the starting price I would be dumb not to. They only started on it last week and they claim that it?s working?like a PlayStation 3, sounds promising I guess.?The more you pledge, the better they can make the system but with the release date set for next year, I don?t think it?ll come close to being better than the PlayStation 3, seeing that it took PlayStation 6 years to make it.
So I leave you with this, Ouya is a game console that can do pretty much everything others can and a bit more. With a messed up remote that needs two double A?s, you might have a problem with changing batteries over and over during game sessions. This weird shaped system doesn?t really look good but it has great quality. Whatever this company has in store for us I think we should be ready. Ouya?s?launching?early next year so be sure to be at GameStop?s door with $100.00. That?s if you don?t care about messed up remotes.
Ouya game system rating: 8.9-10
Source: http://pshomegazette.com/2012/07/14/new-gaming-console-ouya/
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