Saturday, March 31, 2012

Looking at Facebook Advertisements - Etsy Fame Businesses ...

As the ultimate source of online social media advertising for most companies, Facebook commands a lot of attention when they make a change to their advertising structure and one recent change is getting a lot of attention from the internet advertising and marketing world. Right now the programmers and developers at Facebook are apparently engaged in some enhancements that will be fed into the premium style advertising options that are currently available for purchase. The new advertisements are meant to enhance the amount of interactivity granted to companies who decide to use them.?

The main focus of this new style of advertisement is such that a company will be able to offer ?friends? and ?fans? on Facebook a simpler way to encourage interaction as the advertisements aren?t specifically crafted to look like a standard advertisement. Often with internet marketing and the work supplied by SEO firms the most important part of the process is shrouding what might be a standard advertisement under the guise of something billed as entertainment.?

And this is what the new style of premium Facebook ads are likely after as it becomes increasingly important to contact audiences on the internet in new and interesting ways. The worst thing that can happen to a company is that their marketing or advertising efforts are ignored because they are not creative enough to catch the average web surfer?s eye. The internet has been a breeding ground for new ideas over the past decade but for advertisers the process is still such that a lot of time in the drawing room is required.

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Internet Business Preliminary Steps - Niche Blogging Ideas

How do you begin?

Since you will be starting an online business, naturally, you will need a computer that is connected to the Internet. This will be your first step in making a connection into the Internet world. Through this, you can also have access to the many wonderful opportunities that having an online business can bring you. Now, it is important that you are careful with your choices of where to start your online business. Otherwise, you could be scammed, as they will only make a run on your money. Fortunately, many sites can already be trusted in providing you a good start in your online business. Below are some examples:-

1) GetAFreelancer (
GetAFreelancer, or GAF as it is more popularly known to its users, is a well-known site where freelancers and service buyers meet up. If you are starting an online business that aims to provide any Internet solution, then you can get lots of buyers as well as providers for a job here. You can register in the site free which makes it ideal when you are just starting out your online business. However, you may also pay a minimal fee so that you can bid on more projects and get many more privileges.

2) EUFreelance (
EUFreelancer is the European counterpart of GAF. It works just the same way as GAF does, only that the currency used in the transactions such as payments to a service provider or payments from a service buyer is in Euros because this is a site that is geared for the European market.

3) ScriptLance (
ScriptLance is also another great site that you can use for your online business. You can also sign up for free, bid on the projects and then are paid for your services. If you want to be the service buyer for you online business, you can also get cheap providers from the site.

Many other sites can also help you in starting your online business. While these sites are already trusted, it is still a wide idea to be educated when it comes to this business because you could still be scammed by the service buyers.

pixel Internet Business Preliminary Steps

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Friday, March 30, 2012

'American Idol' Report Card: Joshua Ledet, Heejun Han Back In The Hunt

Top nine take on their idols, with surprising results. Who soared? Who sunk? Here are our grades!
By James Montgomery

Joshua Ledet and Heejun Han
Photo: Getty Images

We can all probably agree that the highlight of Wednesday night's "American Idol" was Jason Derülo's bedazzled neck brace, which shone brighter than a dozen Jessica Sanchezes and had more charisma than an army of Hollie Cavanaghs.

But alas, we can't give out grades based on style alone, which means that once again, we're forced to focus on the singing. And luckily, said singing was actually pretty spot-on this week, as the top nine took on the songs of their idols, leading to some genuine "goosies" moments (thanks, J.Lo) and more standing ovations than the State of the Union address.

Sure, there were the usual assortment of middling performances, too ... but for one night at least, "Idol" was back to its old compelling self. Sort of. Look, it's Season 11; I'm trying as hard as I can. So who soared? Who scored redemption? And who should probably start packing their bags right now? Read on for our report card!

Joshua Ledet: Oh sh--, he's doing Harry Nilsson! Oh, wait — he's doing the Mariah version of "Without You." Still, this was a total powerhouse of a performance. Subtle in some spots, big (big!) in others, perfect throughout, he put genuine emotion into the tune, got raw and vulnerable and, as a result, stole the show. Of course, it's entirely possible some folks might think this one was too weird or something, but there are still people out there who think Rick Santorum would make a good president, too. After a few weeks in the wilderness, Mantasia officially roared back tonight. And Google "Harry Nilsson" please. A

Jessica Sanchez: Totally called she'd be doing Beyoncé. She slowed down "Sweet Dreams," which was a bit of an odd choice, and yet also a supremely confident one. For once, she pulled things back, and maybe suffered a bit for doing so, but there were still plenty of subtly great moments, particularly in the verses. Might not have been her best — it definitely lacked in vocal fireworks — but who says she has to blow it out of the box every week? And really, it was good enough on this night. Can't wait until she loses to Phillip Phillips or Colton Dixon in the finals, and I never have to watch this show again. B

Heejun Han: Newly humble Heejun ditched the shtick and instead focused on the singing and, in the process, totally reinvigorated his "Idol" campaign. His breathy, confident take on Donny Hathaway's "A Song for You" had everyone going nuts, and understandably so: It was a perfect song for him and a nearly perfect performance. I've taken a few potshots at him in these report cards, but I'll be the first to admit that when Heejun is on, well, Heejun is on. Seemed willing to atone for last week's debacle, too, until he did a knock-knock joke. Dammit, dude. B

Phillip Phillips: Growled and shouted ("growted"?) his way through Jonny Lang's "Still Rainin'," and I would bring up the point that in previous years, competitors like him would've been criticized for doing the same thing every week, but since this season everyone just does the same thing every week, well, never mind. The vein in his forehead was the most compelling part of this, by far. "I feel like we're standing up too much tonight," J.Lo declared. You're not the only one, sister. C+

Colton Dixon: Did Lifehouse's "Everything," which he'll have you know is his "favorite worship song." And just to reinforce that point, he ended it on his knees. Now we know who Tim Tebow's voting for. Sorta pitchy — bordering on bleating — and a bit meandering, but it's not like any of that really matters, since the girls liked it. Randy doubled up the praise, first saying he could see him "doing Switchfoot" (a compliment?) and then proclaiming, "I could be looking at a contender for the title!" Of course, dawg ... he is a toothsome white guy, after all. C

Skylar Laine: No way, she did Miranda Lambert! Way to step outside the comfort ... oh, why does it even matter? For those keeping score at home, she took on "Gunpowder and Lead," and it was basically the same thing we've seen every single week from her: bounding, energetic, twangy, a bit of 'tude, a few high spots thrown in for good measure. "Unbridled," J.Lo said. "Over the top," Steven added. "Mississippi!" Randy piled on. Yep. Surely she needs to do something different eventually, right? C

DeAndre Brackensick: Ryan introduced him by yelling, "Just think, you could be driving to work tomorrow jamming to DeAndre!" perhaps because vehicular manslaughter has been trending down in recent years. Did Eric Benet's "Sometimes I Cry," since "Eric Benet is exactly what I want to be" (a sex addict?), then he took the stage wearing a leather duster and vest that made him look like Dr. Sexx, Frontier Loverman. Despite all that — and his warbly falsetto (which bordered on torturous) — it was still sorta bland. Of course, he got a standing ovation from the judges. And then Steven declared, "You gave Prince a run for his money." I officially give up. C-

Hollie Cavanagh: The biggest problem with Cavanagh isn't her voice, which is probably the second-best in the competiton, but rather the sub-robotic level of emotion she brings to the stage. And the latter was definitely on display tonight. After bonding with Stevie Nicks (Stevie Nicks!) during rehearsals, she pledged to bring genuine spirit to her version of Carrie Underwood's "Jesus, Take the Wheel." What we got instead was a flat, by-the-numbers ballad, the kind of thing she's been doing for weeks now. Almost instantly forgettable, she may be in trouble. But, hey, at least there was snow! C-

Elise Testone: Did Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love," thus proving that she'd be a totally fun chick to hang out with. Also seemed to have borrowed Steven Tyler's bellbottoms to do so (Seacrest totally noticed, which is why he's the best live-man in the business). Look, this was fun, and it sorta rocked, but it was also really shouty, and no matter what the judges said, this is usually the kind of performance that sends female singers packing. She'll get voted off on Thursday (March 29). As a performance? B As a tactical decision? D

Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

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100% This Is Not a Film

This is as a fascinating bit of minimalism as there has been in quite a long time, not only for its insights into the state of censorship in Iran(from what I can infer, Jafar Panahi's arrest sounds like something out of "Hawaii 5-0,") but for its symbolism in capturing a day in the life of Jafar Panahi, trapped inside waiting for loved ones to return on New Year's Day with fireworks going off just outside. So it may come as no surprise that the only identifiable movie on his DVD rack is "Buried" starring Ryan Reynolds. In all honesty, I don't think 'This is Not a Film' was really meant to be a title in a conventional sense. Rather, it is meant to possibly to work around the Iranian authorities' sentencing Panahi to six years of prison and 20 years without directing, writing a film or giving interviews.(His lawyer thinks there is a chance he could have the prohibitions thrown out and his sentence reduced but he is still going to jail.) All of which he bares up under with humor and fatalism. So, that only leaves him to talk about his old films in pointing out how little control he has had over his amateur casts in the past. To accentuate this, his pet iguana(which is bigger than most cars, by the way) takes center stage at times. So, he stages scenes from what would have been his latest film about a young woman who wants to attend university in Tehran over her traditional parents' wishes. This all comes about when Mojtaba Mirtahmasb conceives of a behind the scenes series on banned directors.(Another way of looking at it, is as they put it, when hairdressers get bored, they do each others' hair.) Even though Panahi does not want to appeal to other Iranian directions which might get them in trouble also, Mirtahmasb also is currently in hot water, too. And finally, the real reason for this being made, is as Panahi puts it, to petition for international pressure, or in other words, us.

March 11, 2012


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Low 'Bad' Cholesterol Levels May Be Linked to Cancer Risk

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The Reason Why A Green House In Your Garden Is A Good Option ...

If you have been growing plants for a long time and want to attempt something different, you should try making a greenhouse. The particular greenhouse you require may depend on your budget, the space you have and how much you actually want to cultivate in it. If you seek information you?ll find the right solution for you and once you do, you can start to enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years to come. We will check out why you need to consider making a greenhouse a component of your garden. Contact us in remedios naturales para la ansiedad.

The first reward a greenhouse provides you with is that you will have far more options as to what you can grow and when. You have the opportunity to grow fruits, vegetables or plants that would flourish inside a greenhouse but not in a regular garden. Using a controlled environment in a greenhouse, it is possible to grow fruits and vegetables almost all year round. Using this type of control over growing conditions, you can attempt to grow things more efficiently.

You may be able to save money employing a greenhouse since you can grow your own produce however, there is a cost involved in keeping your greenhouse well-heated in the winter months. In any event, being able to grow your own food and not have to pay for groceries is a nice situation to be in. There are other monetary gains that can be made such as passing along plants as presents or even selling some yourself since the gardening market is huge.

With respect to any fruits, vegetables and herbs you raise, you can have the satisfaction of understanding that you have grown them organically and you are eating fresh food. If you?re eating something freshly picked that day it is very different than consuming produce that may have been put away for some time and lost nutrients as a result. By raising your very own fruits and vegetables in a greenhouse, you are ensuring that you are obtaining the maximum amount of nutrients your body needs.

Doing work in a green house can help people to unwind and take their mind off of the stresses of life. The fact that you can be immersed in the many tasks you will be carrying out will help to clear your mind or you may just want take a garden chair in with you and let the world go by. The entire family can take pleasure in this as well and it is a fantastic way to get children included in something outside of the house whilst learning about nature at the same time.

I have listed a lot of the benefits you can enjoy if you decide to take up greenhouse gardening for yourself.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Groupon Acquires FeeFighters, The BillShrink For Business Services

FeeFightersFeeFighters, a three-year old comparison shopping site for credit card processors, is announcing today it has been acquired by Groupon. The Chicago-based startup, which provides businesses with a way to find the best merchant account provider for their needs, has also been offering businesses other tools such as its new payment gateway called Samurai. FeeFighters says that the acquisition will not impact any major changes to its product line, and that most of the team will be transitioned to Groupon.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Apple iPod shuffle digital player $62.99

  • PC Mall Part#: 8203969
  • |
  • Mfr Part#: MC751LL/A
  • |
  • UPC: 885909433759

Apple iPod shuffle - 4th generation - digital player - flash 2 GB - AAC, MP3 - blue

Availability ?Call
Platform Universal
Manufacturer Apple

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Technical Specifications

Product Type Digital player
Digital Player Type Flash based
Width 1.3 in
Depth 0.4 in
Height 1.1 in
Weight 0.4 oz
Enclosure Color Blue
Interface Supported Hi-Speed USB
iPod Generation 4G
Audio System
Flash Memory 2 GB
Sound Output Mode Stereo
Additional Features USB 2.0 compatibility, VoiceOver, built-in clip
Digital Player (Recorder)
Supported Digital Audio Standards WAV, AAC, AIFF, Audible, MP3, Apple Lossless
Playback Modes Skip playback, playlist, random play / shuffle
Supported Bit Rate 8 - 320Kbps
Response Bandwidth 20 - 20000 Hz
Features Variable bit-rate compatible
Headphones Type Headphones - binaural - ear-bud
Connectivity Technology Wired
Sound Output Mode Stereo
Response Bandwidth 20 - 20000 Hz
Impedance 32 Ohm
Connector Type 1 x headphones ( mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm )
Cables Included 1 x USB cable - 2 in
Battery Player battery - rechargeable - lithium ion
Battery Enclosure Type Integrated
Run Time (Up To) 15 hour(s)
Recharge Time 3 hour(s)
System Requirements
OS Required Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Vista, Apple MacOS X 10.5.8 or later, Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3
Software Requirements iTunes 10 or later
Peripheral / Interface Devices USB port (compatible with 2.0 specification)
Manufacturer Warranty
Service & Support 1 year warranty
Service & Support Details Limited warranty - 1 year ? Technical support - phone consulting - 90 days

Main Features

iPod shuffle

The new, colorful, clip-and-go iPod shuffle. With buttons, VoiceOver, and playlists, its the very best of iPod shuffle.

Design. As beautiful as it is wearable.

Sleek, polished aluminum. Five brilliant colors.

Its main body is crafted from a single piece of aluminum and polished to a beautiful shine, so the new iPod shuffle feels solid, sleek and durable. And the color palette makes it the perfect fashion accessory. Choose gleaming silver, blue, green, orange, or pink.

Hundreds of songs to go.

Never leave a favorite tune behind. Along with up to 15 hours of battery life,1 iPod shuffle gives you 2GB of storage capacity, good for hundreds of songs.2 Thats plenty of room for the essential songs of your workout or commute. And for multiple playlists, Genius Mixes, podcasts, and audiobooks, too.

Goes anywhere. And with anything.

iPod shuffle isnt just portable. Its wearable, too. Clip it to your shirt, jacket, workout gear, backpack, or purse strap, and it stays put ? whether youre running an errand or running around the track. And yes, theres still room for personalized engraving, only from the Apple Online Store.

Controls. Right on the button.

Control your music with just a click.

Its back ? the big, clickable control pad on the front of iPod shuffle. Its 18 percent larger than on previous iPod shuffle models, so its even easier to see and use the music controls. Press the center button to play and pause. Press the outer buttons to skip forward or back and adjust volume. Click, click, click. Its music to your fingers.

Play it your way.

Maybe youre the spontaneous type. Or maybe you prefer a little order. Just flip the shuffle switch to suit your listening style. Flip it to the left, and youll hear your music in a refreshingly random way. Flip it to the middle, and your songs play in order. Or flip to the right to turn iPod shuffle off.

VoiceOver. It tells you what you want to hear.

Give your songs a voice.

Say youre listening to a song and want to know the title or the artist. Just press the new VoiceOver button on top of your iPod shuffle, and it tells you.3 You can even use VoiceOver to hear the names of playlists and switch between them. And if your battery needs charging, VoiceOver tells you that, too.

It speaks your language.

A French love song. A Spanish bolero. An Italian cantata. Your music library has songs from all over the world. Thats why VoiceOver speaks 25 different languages. So it can tell you song titles and artists in their native tongues or any language you choose.

Playlists. The perfect mix for every mood.

Sync to your hearts content.

iTunes on your Mac or PC makes it easy to load up your iPod shuffle. Just choose the playlists, audiobooks, podcasts, and other audio files you want, then sync.

When one playlist isnt enough.

You probably have multiple playlists in iTunes on your computer. One for your commute. One for the gym. One for just chillaxing. Sync all those playlists to iPod shuffle, and you can play the perfect mix for whatever mood strikes you. VoiceOver tells you the name of each playlist, so its easy to switch between them and find the one you want without looking.

Genius comes to iPod shuffle.

Theres another way to get a good mix of music on iPod shuffle: Let Genius do the work. Activate Genius in iTunes on your computer, and it automatically finds songs that sound great together. Then it creates Genius Mixes, which you can easily sync to your iPod shuffle. Its the perfect way to rediscover songs you havent listened to in, like, forever.

Most Recent Reviews

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Cover Letters?Not Your Life Story ? asuccessfulcareer

Some job seekers start to write a cover letter and don?t seem to know when to stop?or how to focus, for that matter. If that description fits you, I suggest you think seriously about what it is that you want and need your cover letter to accomplish. If it?s to bore the reader (employer) to tears or motivate him/her to turn the letter into a paper airplane, no problem. Your over-long, poorly focused cover letter will do the trick nicely. On the other hand, if the letter needs to reinforce the strong value message hopefully communicated in your resume, you?ll have to do a lot better than that.

Your Core Cover Letter Message

This is no secret. I?ve written about it before. But you might be surprised at how many people don?t ?get? it. You cannot count on the employer reading every wonderful word you?ve crammed into your cover letter, no matter how interesting or important you think all the information is. You will have to decide?sooner rather than later?what the letter needs to achieve and make sure it aims for that. Even your aunt Edna (or whatever your family equivalent is) probably wouldn?t read eight 6-line paragraphs on a page that has half-inch margins all around, even if you?re her favorite relative. It?s a certainty that no employer is going to.

When a banquet speaker starts out by saying something like, ?My career began with a discovery in kindergarten that?,? attendees know they?re in for a sleep-inducing evening. However, short of being really rude and walking out in the middle, they?re stuck?they?re a captive audience. The employers you will be targeting in your job search don?t have the same restriction. They can essentially leave whenever they want, by putting your letter and resume in the stack that winds up in or near the wastebasket. Your cover letter needs to do the business-like equivalent of shouting, ?I have something to say that will make you successful (competitive, market-leading, and so on)? and then prove it.

Cover Letter Temptations to Resist

For the most part, basic details that are already appropriately presented in the resume don?t need to be restated in the cover letter. As an example, say you?ve noted in your resume that you obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Stanford University in 2009. You don?t need a line or two in the cover letter that tells the reader essentially the same thing. He or she also doesn?t want to read a list (even limited) of what your current and most recent jobs were and at what company. Again, the resume should already contain that information and more.

Providing a list of why you left your last four jobs also doesn?t enhance your cover letter. At least, not unless you can turn it to good account on your behalf. If, for instance, those employers were each acquired by another company, you might lightly note that you had accepted positions at companies that you felt showed a lot of promise?so much so that they were bought by other companies interested in growing?and, unfortunately, the typical process of trimming duplicate staff then came into play.

The point? As always, speak to the prospective employer?s enlightened self-interest, but keep it succinct, focused and as loaded with your unique value message as you can reasonably manage.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Get Credit From Online Biology College Courses

Not all online classes and courses are created equal, which means that you need to think seriously about which ones you choose if you're looking to get college credit.? Those who take biology online are typically doing so in order to advance their degree or to get the undergraduate classes needed, but you need to ensure you choose a class that will actually transfer credits.

If you're only taking biology classes because you need to cover certain material for your career or because you have an interest in the subject and are trying to determine if this is the right field for you, then you may not be concerned with credits transferring.? However, before you sign up for an online college of biology and assume you'll get college credit for the courses, consider the following some very important reminders.

Accredited for Your School of Choice

Accredited means that a college has been evaluated by a third party and is recognized as being a real, legitimate college.? A school needs to be accredited for its credits to transfer, that is, to be recognized by any other school.? Before you choose a college of biology online, be sure you look for it being accredited and note the source of that accreditation.? If you have a particular graduate school in mind for finishing your degree, you want to see if that school recognizes the accreditation.?

For example, if you want to finish your education at a local state university near your home, look up the requirements at that university's site for their school of biology and note the requirements for transfer of credits and accreditation for undergraduate courses.

Associate School

Typically an online college of biology is associated with an outside school, from which they get their curriculum and instructors.? If they're not associated with a well-known school, this may be a red flag.? Pay attention to the school, whether it's well-respected and also whether or not their credits will transfer.? This typically is the school from which you'll get your degree or credit.

Read the Fine Print

Another consideration is that you want to read the fine print when you schedule online biology college courses.? In many cases, if their credits don't transfer, they will state that they are unlikely to transfer to other schools.? Not all will say this in particular but it's worth noting the fine print as this may save you some additional legwork.

In all cases you can ask an enrollment counselor about their online biology college courses and if they will offer you college credit.? Ask if they will transfer to the future school of your choice.? No doubt they've fielded this question before and should be able to advise you.

A college of biology online can be a great assist in getting the courses you need for your degree, but only if you do your research first.? Don't assume that all schools are the same.? And do your homework so you'll be sure to choose the right one for you.


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Masterchef's Mary has the recipe for positive mental health at UCD ...

You are here: Home / Health / Masterchef?s Mary has the recipe for positive mental health at UCD Cook Off

Posted by admin on March 21, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

Mary Carney, winner of Masterchef, was in UCD?s Student Centre today judging the college?s annual ?cook-off?. The event was created to drive awareness of how healthy eating can positively benefit mental health and was developed by UCD students with support from Think Big. Over the past few weeks students have been encouraged to submit a variety of healthy eating recipes for inclusion in a cookbook, which will be distributed to new students at the start of the academic year. The cook-off aspect to the project allows students to showcase their recipes with the best recipes making it through to appear in the book. The project received funding and support from Think big, a programme designed by O2 and Headstrong, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health, to enable young people to do projects in their community that will make a difference to young people?s mental health.

Speaking at the event, Mary Carney said: ?I?m delighted to be here today and participating in the Cook-Off event with the students from UCD. Starting college can be a very difficult time and it?s important that we remind students to eat healthily and look after themselves and their mental health as they transition in to their college years.?

Newly elected head of the students union and manager of the project, Rachel Breslin added: ?We submitted this project to Think Big as we wanted to really emphasise the importance of healthy eating to students, particularly in their first year of college. It is important that students are mindful of their mental health and are aware of the role of healthy eating and the impact it can have on their health and wellbeing. Every year UCD runs the competition but this year we wanted to expand on the idea to really show the benefits that healthy eating can have on how you feel and on your mental health.?

Nuala Smith, Think Big Coordinator from Headstrong said: ?This project shows how young people, given the opportunity, have an important role to play in changing how we think about mental health. There is an extraordinary breadth and depth to the Think Big projects we?ve received. Rachel?s project is very inspiring as it highlights how everyday activities, like the food we eat, can influence our mental health. Learning more about what positive actions they can take to maintain their mental health will help students manage the stresses and strains of student life such as money, relationships and exams. Student welfare officers like Rachel are best place to know how to reach young people on campuses and backing youth led initiatives helps Headstrong reach young people in a way they can relate to.?

UCD Student Advisor, Ros McFeely added: ?The UCD health promotion committee started this competition five years ago. The aim of the competition is to encourage students to consider eating together as another way of supporting eachother. Student advisers are always looking for ways to help students and we think the competition is a really positive initiative.?

Sinead Smith, Corporate Responsibility Manager at O2 said: ?The Think Big Programme is open to any young person, aged between 14 and 25, in the Republic of Ireland with an idea for a project that promotes positive mental health. Ideas can be submitted at any time for consideration at and successful projects receive funding and support from O2 and Headstrong in the form of mentoring and on-going training to help bring the ideas to life. Since Think Big was launched in September 2010, over 130 projects have been developed by young people to make a difference to young people?s mental health.?

More information is available at


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Get up to gear with cycling equipment

Whether you are new to the world of biking, or a seasoned enthusiast, cycling equipment is an essential part of the biking experience, and so this guide will brief you on the essentials.

Cycling tools ? Ensuring that you are prepared if you puncture a tire or if a wheel comes loose means having the right tools to hand. A multi tool set is the easiest way to get everything you need, with important things like tyre levers, chain tool heads, Allen wrenches, chain hooks, and disc brake repair bits. With such an item you can rejoin a broken chain, mend a brake pad or a displaced cable for instance, and this tool is often the difference between mending the bike yourself, and making an emergency call. Bear in mind that all of these bits of cycling equipment are available individually. Puncture repair kits and tire pumps should be number one on your wish list, as punctures are inevitable but easily treatable if you have a good kit, and flat tires are just as common.

Mini pumps are a great option since they store away easily.

Lubricants and cleaners ? Keeping your bike in top condition means conditioning the moving parts of the bike. Lubricants for the pedals and axles, and chain cleaner for the chain eliminates squeaks, protects against rust, and increases the longevity of the bike on the whole. General bike cleaner can be used as a safe way to wash the entire bike.

Technology ? A serious biker needs a cycle computer, which gauges the amount of cycling you have done, and your heart rate. GPS trackers provide accurate location information for touring and training.

Safety ? Cycle helmets are crucial for cycling safety.

General helmets are common for everyday use, though for the serious rider fibreglass face helmets are a better option and are highly affordable given the protection they give. Front and back Halogen or LED lights are crucial for visibility at night. Visibility jackets are also a good idea. Safety locks keep your cycle safe when you park, and high quality D-locks provide the best middle ground between protection and affordability.

Accessories ? There are many other things to make riding easier, such as water bottles and bottle cages, panniers and racks, prop stands, horns and bells, frame and bike protectors, front baskets, bicycle pads, and hydration backpacks.

Having a full range of cycling equipment means getting the best out of your bike and staying safe.?


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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Monday, March 19, 2012

Online Business Pointers ? Security Measures on the Process of ...

This article has been viewed 11 times.

F?r many wh? ?r? organizing t? generate a web site ?r maybe net improvement, th?r? ?r? actually precautionary measure th?t needs t? b? take ?nt? consideration t? protect ???r site. Web site ?nd ?t? safety w?ll give ??? a reassurance though enterprise ?? within th? g?.

1st ?b??t th? listing ?? identifying th? security perils ?nd h??? ?t assessed. It ?? actually essential wh??h ??? classify th? variables ?nd ?l?? h??? ?t checked ?n th? policy. Th?r? need t? ?l?? b? considered a human being responsible t? take care ?f ?t. Assign anyone t? consider care each individual leakage. In case th? online provides a quite simple knowledge, th?n ??? d?f?n?t?l? ??n ???t apply standard guidelines. B?t wh?n ?t ?? extremely delicate, chances ?r? youll look ?t ?n assessment th?t w?ll identification ?n? feasible threats wh??h th? internet site calls f?r wh??h ??n support th? growth staff.

Take a f??t watch w?th th? whole web page. Th?? really ?? n?t ???t ?b??t stability, ?ft?r a secured course ?f action ?? utilized, b? sure th?t ??? critique ???r internet site ?nd informations h??? t? b? exact, complying wh?n using th? specifications ?nd legislation, steer clear ?f ?n? unauthorized ??? ?f materials, compatible t? m??t consumers, ?nd needs t? b? q???k ?nd easy t? access. Y?? ?h??ld n?t h??? confidence ?n anyone ???r data. Knowledge leakages ?? extremely rampant, allow ?t t? b? positive th?t ???r laptop ?r computer ?? secured wh??h h?? a password ?nd even ???r data ?l?n. All types ?nd types ?f again ups needs t? b? secured w?th ?t? input ?nd output. Th? fourth method ?? usually t? critique ?nd review ???r? post being developed online. It h??? t? g? thru ?n approval practice b? committee.

Facilitate th? task ?n th? website designer. It? given th?t softwares normally contains mistake. B?t w?th total facilitation ?nd proper action, ?t m?ght b? minimized until th? undertaking ?? f?n??h?d. Expectations ?nd pointers h?? t? b? carried out w?th secured application. J??t ?ft?r th? ?l?n ?? used, h??? ?t tested ?nd m?k? ?t ??rt??n th?t ??? simply m?k?? ??? ?f th? ??rr??t program f?r th??. Th?? verify up w??ld include availability ?n th? software. Logs m??t b? backtracked. In such cases, w? w?ll keep away fr?m cases ?f incidents ?nd ?l?? ?th?r doable d??tr???d ?? w? ?r? ?bl? t? detect th? threats coming ?n. Early warning ?? very ?m??rt?nt ?n th?? category ?? w? w?ll remember ?f th? incoming software difficulty ?lm??t ???r? ?th?r sorts ?f viruses ?nd threats.

Deployment fr?m th? website m??t b? secured w?th g??d examine ?nd tests. Examination setting ?nd ?l?? th? ?r? living types ?r? completely different fr?m ???r? ?th?r. Th?r? m?ght h??? ??m? function th?t ?? n?t relevant fr?m th? check setting b?t m?? perhaps alter within th? stay surroundings. Exam ?nd verify r?ght ?ft?r ?r??t?ng th? website available ?? incredibly essential. And ?ft?r th?t th? level arrangement need t? b? reviewed ?nd ?? th? website w?ll probably b? secured although th? web site ?? freely introduced ?nd ?? particularly accessible f?r viewing. Th?? w?ll l?k?l? incorporate settlement fr?m contractors, sub- contractors, ?nd ?l?? fr?m suppliers. Breaches ?f protection ?r? going t? b? identified down th? road. Along w?th th? final issue m?? b? th? recovery ?f th?r? w?ll b? a feasible loss ?f ?n? datas.

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